What is a Comprehensive Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis?

Many Americans visit their primary care doctor for an annual “check-up.”  Generally, the visit is short, and most of the appointment time is spent completing insurance paperwork and updating records and health history with the nurse or nurse practitioner.

So what is actually “checked” in a typical “check-up?”

  • weight
  • height
  • blood pressure
  • heart rate
  • temperature
  • heartbeat and breathing sounds
  • exam of your head and neck, including tonsils, lymph nodes, and thyroid
  • abdominal exam to check for any tenderness and liver size
  • A check of your muscle strength, reflexes, and balance
  • Lab tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC), blood chemistry panel, and urinalysis
  • clinical breast exam and pelvic exam (woman)
  • prostate exam (man)

Your doctor will also discuss and recommended screenings and vaccinations.

So if all looks good, you may leave with a suggestion to lose a few pounds and come back in a year.  But wait. . . what about the lab tests?

In a few days, you’ll get a call from the doctor’s office telling you “Your labs are all normal.”


It’s a little know fact, but “normal” lab results are nothing more than averages of the population of people that get their blood drawn in your region, likely the typical unhealthy American average.  Ninety percent of the population is considered within the normal range, while the bottom 5% and the top 5% are considered low and high respectively.

Do you really want to be compared with the average American population of which 88% is metabolically unhealthy?

What if you had access to a tool that could prevent disease before it took hold of your health?  How helpful would it be if you obtained advanced insight into developing problems that allow for a preventative course of action?

A  Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis identifies underlying biochemical and nutritional imbalances that affect your health. Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis helps to interpret blood test markers and understand these imbalances to prevent disease before it affects one’s health.  The results are calculated based on optimal ranges, not average Americans.  Functional Blood Chemistry looks at individual markers as well as groups or patterns of markers.  It will also establish a baseline that can be used to track a person’s health over time.  There really is no better health screen that is more efficient than a comprehensive blood test.

Once analyzed, your blood results may indicate a need for:

  • Diet and lifestyle changes
  • Nutritional support and supplements
  • Detoxification
  • Hydration and electrolytes
  • lipid re-balancing
  • Fluid and electrolyte balance
  • Minerals support

Using the latest in research and practice, your blood test biomarkers are interpreted using ground-breaking analysis and logical methods. By combining a collection of rules, scoring, weighting, probability, uncertainty, and inference, you’ll receive the most powerful interpretive “Functional Health Report” available anywhere. 

G.I. Function
Liver & Gallbladder Function
Red Blood Cell Function & Nutritional Anemias
Nutrient Deficiencies
Blood Sugar Regulation
Adrenal & Kidney FunctionThyroid Function
Cardiovascular Function and Inflammation
Immune Function
Sex Hormone & Prostate Function

When was the last time you learned all this from a doctor’s visit? 

Once you receive your report, you’ll be able to immediately identify areas of health and nutrition to work on before they become larger issues.  You may avoid developing a chronic illness by taking steps to improve your health at the earliest sign of dysfunction.  You’ll identify trends over time and know what’s “normal” for you, not normal for the average American.

You can obtain your report easily and affordably.  If you have a recent CBC (complete blood count) and CMP (complete metabolic panel) along with any additional blood work, you can submit your “normal” report for a comprehensive functional blood chemistry analysis for a deeper dive into your health and a beginning roadmap to optimal health.

No recent blood work?  No worries. . . we can provide you with a lab order and direct you to a lab near your home so you can begin your journey to health.

“You can’t improve what you don’t measure.”
  You can learn more about obtaining your  Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis and other functional reports.